Formic Acid Mite Treatment
Master Beekeeper Landi Simone, left, of Gooserock Farms demonstrates the application of MiteAwayII to treat the hive for parasitic varroa mites. Using an Integrated Pest Management (IPS) approach, hives are only treated when the mite population reaches a treshhold that threatens the hive. This threshhold varies depending on the time of year. MiteAwayII is a gel pak of formic acid, which will remain on the hive for three weeks. Honey supers are always removed from a hive before treatment. Onlookers, from left to right, are Joe Schofield, DeAnn Schofield (Joe's mom), Cathie Skove and Archie Palmer. Tom Fuscaldo and Janet Katz are in the back row.

(Photo courtesy of Landi Simone)

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