The New Jersey
Beekeepers Association (NJBA), a
not-for-profit organization, was founded in
1902, and is comprised of ten
branches located throughout the state.
Members receive a newsletter from the state
organization six times a year, reduced
subscription rates for "American
Bee Journal" and "Bee Culture",
and most branches also provide newsletters. In
addition, if you have an email address, you
can receive informative emails from the state
website concerning lectures, classes, state
meetings, swarms, queens, nucs and packages.
Members in good standing are also encouraged
to enter our annual
honey show, and be listed on the product page or on the swarm collector
State meetings are held
quarterly, while branch meetings typically
range from four to a dozen times a year.
Branch websites, meeting locations and dates
can be found on the calendar
NJBA dues are: Junior
(under 18) membership $8.00, Regular
membership $30.00 for all branches for one
year from the date of enrollment.
The branches of the NJBA are loosely tied to
geographic areas. However, you do not need to
live in Essex County to belong to the Essex
County branch, for instance. To determine
which branch you should join, check the calendar
page and find the branch that has
meetings that are convenient for you to
attend. Once you've joined one branch as your
primary branch, you can join another branch if
you like for only the branch portion of the
annual dues. You're welcome to attend any of
the branch meetings prior to joining, or you
can join a branch online by going to
New and prospective
members are invited to read and refer to our “NJBA
New Member Handbook”.
If you have any
questions about membership, please send an
email to