- Beekeeping regulations still under
review: environmental briefs, March 9,
2018, by
Brunetti Post, Staff Writer, The Press
of Atlantic City, Breaking News.
- Revise NJ beekeeping rules to
encourage hobbyists, protect neighbors,
February 8, 2018, Press of Atlantic City,
Our View, Opinion.
- Why Do NJ Beekeepers Feel They've
Been Stung by State DOA?, February 5,
2018, by
- State needs to reconsider proposed
beekeeper rules, February 1, 2018,
Opinion, New Jersey Herald, Breaking News.
- State legislators want proposed
beekeeping regs withdrawn, January 19,
2018, by
Brunetti Post, Staff Writer, The Press
of Atlantic City, Breaking News.
- Mazzeo & Armato
Urge State Agriculture Dept to Scrap
Proposed Rules that Would Cripple NJ
Beekeeping Industry, January 18, 2018,
Assembly Democrats News Release.
- Bad buzz on pending NJ agriculture
rules, January 18, 2018, by Joseph P.
Smith, The Daily Journal, PART OF THE USA
- Beekeepers stung by state's proposed
new regulations, January 16, 2018, by
Brunetti Post, Staff Writer, The Press
of Atlantic City, Money.
- Beekeepers protest proposed state
regulations affecting backyard hives,
January 16, 2018, by
Meghan Grant and
Matt Fagan, northjersey.com,
- Bad buzz on new beekeeping
regulations, January 7, 2018, by Mark
Di Ionno, The Star Ledger.
- New Jersey Beekeepers Push Back
Against Proposed Hive Limit, December
19,2017 , by
Marc Liverman,
CBS New York.
- Backyard beekeeping escapes
regulations for now, August 17,2017 ,
Daniel J.
Munoz, northjersey.com,
- Tens of Thousands of
Honeybees Make University Campus their
Home, October 18, 2016, William
Paterson University, efocus Online
Newsletter. Thanks to a donation from the
New Jersey Beekeepers Association, students
have a new research facility on campus.
- 30,000
honeybees removed from Cape May attic:
April 29, 2012, The Inquirer, By Jacqueline
L. Urgo, Staff Writer.
Gary Schempp, owner of Busy Bees NJ, takes
a bite from a piece of the 25-pound active
bee hive, dripping with honey, he is in
the process of removing from a home in
Cape May.
Utah Bee Spill: Millions Of Insects Escape
From Overturned Tractor-Trailer:
October 24, 2011, Deseret News, By Pat
Reavy. A semi overturned Sunday, October 23,
2011, on I-95 in St. George Utah. Twenty
local beekeepers were called in to help
round up the approximate 25 million bees.
Dan Rather Reports: September, 2011.
The EPA cover-up of the damage done by
neonicotinoid pesticides, with an appearance
and commentary by NJBA member Bill Coniglio.
- Bee peeper. September 2,
2011, Living - Home & Design, by
Virginia A. Smith, Inquirer Staff Writer. As
New Jersey's official hive inspector, Tim
Schuler makes buzz stops all over, ensuring
the health of all on the bee list.
- Hanging out with...ZZZZZ .
August 17, 2011, Living - Kiss the Earth, by
Virginia A. Smith, Inquirer Staff Writer.
Reporter follows State Apiarist Tim Schuler
on hive inspections.
- White House honey analyzed.
May 26, 2011, mother nature network, by
Michael d'Estries. Texas A&M test
reveals pollen from dogwood, cherry,
crepe-myrtle, elm, magnolia trees,
honeysuckle and even poison ivy.
- Beekeepers helping New
Jersey's honey bee colonies rebound,
May 23, 2011, by Lee Procida, Press of
Atlantic City. Coverage of the NJBA Spring
2011 meeting in Cape May Court House.
- It's 'Home Sweet Home' for
NJ Honey Princess and her Bridgewater
family , April 20, 2011, by Frank
Coelho, The Messenger-Gazette. A nice
article highlighting the activities of
Morris-Somerset President Mark Muller's
daughter, Rebeccar, an NJBA honey princess.
- Honeybees 'entomb' hives
to protect against pesticides, say
scientists, April 4, 2011, guardian.co.uk,
by Fiona Harvey. Bees appear to be
attempting to protect their colony from
contamination by sealing up cells of tainted
- Pheromone Increases
Foraging Honey Bees, Leads to Heal Their
Hives, February 11, 2011, Oregon State
University. The application of a naturally
occuring pheromone to test colonies
increases colony growth resulting in
stronger hives overall, according to study
by scientists at Oregon State University and
Texas A&M. The study was published in
PLoS ONE and can be accessed by clicking here.
- Jersey City to Encourage
Beekeeping, January 23, 2011, The Star
Ledger by Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey
Journal. The Jersey City City Council plans
on introducing an ordinance to encourage
residents to keep bees and loosen
restrictions for residents who want to own
chickens in support of urban agriculture.
- The Mystery of the
Red Bees of Red Hook, November 29,
2010, The New York Times, by Susan Dominus.
Bees foraged at Dell's Maraschino
Cherries Company, Inc. and produced
vibrant red honey that tasted metallic then
overly sweet, much to the chagrin of
beekeeper and slow-food advocate Cerise
Mayo. Another Red Hook beekeeper, David
Selig, was disapointed in the honey, but
said this about the returning foragers:
"When the sun is a bit down, they glow red
in the evenings,” he said. “They were
slightly fluorescent. And it was beautiful.”
- What a scientist
didn't tell the New York Times about his
study on bee death, October 8, 2010,
Fortune, by Katherine Eban, contributor.
Article that questions the validity of
research done by 18 researchers from the
University of Montana, Texas Tech
University, Towson University, the US Army,
et. al., due to one of the researchers,
Jerry Bromenshenk, having received a grant
from Bayer to study bee pollination after he
stepped back from an agreement to testify
against Bayer as an expert witness for a
class-action suit beekeepers brought against
the company.
- Iridovirus and
Microsporidian Linked to Honey Bee Colony
Decline, PLoS One, October 7, 2010.
(Bromenshenk JJ, Henderson CB, Wick CH,
Stanford MF, Zulich AW, et al. 2010
Iridovirus and Microsporidian Linked to
Honey Bee Colony Decline. PLoS ONE 5(10):
e13181. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013181)
- Scientists and
Soldiers Solve a Bee Mystery, New York
Times, October 6, 2010, by Kirk Johnson.
Military scientists and entomologists
implicate a fungus, Nosema Ceranae, in
concert with a virus, as being primary
factors in Colony Collapse Disorder.
- Borough bee ban
finally overturned, October 15, 2009, Town
Journal, Allendale, NJ, by Matt Jackson.
Almost three years after Allendale banned
beekeeping. New Jersey Beekeepers
Association member and Allendale resident
Dianne DiBlasi with some help from Team
B.E.E.S., succeeded in getting the ban
overturned. Kudos to DiBlasi for educating
Allendale officials and residents on the
importance of the NJ state insect! Click here
for a second article. If you're encountering
a problem with keeping bees in your NJ town,
please contact our state bee inspector, Tim
Schuler, tim.schuler@ag.state.nj,
for assistance.
- Guttation
Drops Killing Honey Bees: Vincenzo
Girolami, et. al., "Guttation Toxicity of
Seedling From Coated Seeds, Journal of Economic Entomology,
Volume 102, Number 5, October, 2009.
Guttation is a natural plant process where
xylem fluid in a plant is excreted at the
edge of the plants' leaves. In corn
seedlings grown from seeds coated with
neonicotinoids (systemic pesticides that are
taken up by plants and expressed in nectar
and pollen), the concentration of
neonicotinoids in the guttation drops was
found to be near those of the active
ingredients in field sprays, or higher. Bees
drinking these guttation drops died within
- Advanced Beekeeping
Course Offered for the First Time.
June 11, 2009. Department of Agriculture.
Upper Deerfield, NJ. New Jersey beekeepers
recently attended a beyond-the-basics
course given by NJ State Apiarist Tim
Schuler and Bob Hughes, a sideliner
beekeeper and former president of the
NJBA. According to Schuler, the hope is to
develop beekeepers in the state who will
advance beyond hobbyist level to the
sideliner level to provide pollination
services for NJ farmers while making it
financially viable for the beekeepers.
- Catching a
Swarm of Honeybees! With My Dad May
19, 2009. The daughter of NJBA member
James Coppola (Essex County branch)
recently filmed him hiving a swarm and
uploaded it to You Tube.
- Let's Hear It for the
Bees , April 28, 2009, The New York
Times, The Wild Side by Olivia Judson,
Guest Column by Leon Kreitzman. An
interesting article on the circadian
rhythms of honey bees
- Solving
the Mystery of the Vanishing Bees
April, 2009. Scientific American by Diana
Cox-Foster and Dennis vanEngelsdorp. "The
mysterious ailment called colony collapse
disorder has wiped out large numbers of
the bees that pollinate a third of our
crops. The causes turn out to be
surprisingly complex, but solutions are
- The Buzz on Honey
March 10, 2009. Landi Simone, member of
Essex County Beekeepers Society and owner
of Gooserock
Farm, speaks on BlogTalkRadio's
radio WD with Woman's Day editor and
aspiring beekeeper Annemaire Conte about
beekeeping, honey, it's uses and how honey
is produced.
- Co-op bans eight
pesticides after worldwide beehive
collapse January 28, 2009. The
British supermarket, Co-op, has banned the
use of pesticides in the neonicotinoid
family of pesticides, which includes
imidacloprid, implicated in the death of
honey bees world wide. Co-op has over
70,000 acres under cultivation in England
and Scotland, making it the largest farmer
in Britain.
- What Would we Do Without
Bees? January 16, 2009. NJBA member
Diane DiBlasi, adviser to six Allendale
High School students and their Team
B.E.E.S. (Bergen Environmental Effort to
Save Bees) is attempting to get the
Borough of Allendale to modify an
ordinance that currently prevents honey
bees in Allendale so their hive doesn't
have to be in a neighboring town. DiBlasi
and her students, with the help of NJ
Apiarist Tim
Schuler, will address the Allendale
council again on February 2, 2009.
- The Honey Bee Puzzle
IPM experts look for ways to keep colonies
helathy. The Northeastern IPM
Center in a brief article July 2008
states that a correlation has been found
by Pennsylvania State University's Nancy
Ostiguy between viral infection and
queen replacement.
- "Silence of the
Bees" Sunday, October 28, 2007, PBS 8 PM
EST, (Channel 13 in the NY metrolpolitan
area) an in-depth look at the search to
uncover what is killing the honey bee. Click
here, for more information.
- As
bees go missing, a $9.3B crisis lurks
Fortune Magazine, by David Stipp, August
28, 2007. The mysterious disappearance of
millions of bees is fueling fears of an
agricultural disaster.
- Stung by Elizabeth
Kolbert, The New Yorker, August 6, 2007. A
good overview of Colony Collapse Disorder
(CCD) by a writer who started caring for a
hive as a result of her research. States
that a scientific article by Columbia
University's Dr. Ian Lipkin has been
submitted for publication, and as a result
of his research, a single pathogen is
implicated as the cause of CCD.
- Boxer's
push to protect honeybees They are
essential to state crops but are
disappearing. San Francisco Chronicle,
July 6, 2007, by Edward Espstein,
Chronicle Washington Bureau.
- Bees
Vanish, and Scientists Race for Reasons
New York Times, April 24, 2007, by Alexei
Barrionuevo. Researchers say definitive
answers for Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)
could be months away.
- The
deaths of the
CNN, Amy
Sahba, March
29, 2007.
drives price
of honey
higher and
fruit and
- CCD FAQ and Tentative Recommendations The
Research and
March 8-9,
2007. A
effort to
address the
crisis facing
the beekeeping
industry in
region, MAAREC
has published
and Tentative
for Hives
CCD on
their website.
- The Buzz on
Bees Time and CNN, October 29,
2006 by Jeffrey Kluger, Kristina Dell.
A short article on the importance of
honey bees with statistics on the food
they are responsible for through
pollination. Good despite the fact
that the first sentence of the article
makes the incorrect statement that
honey bees aren't given much thought
"unless they're terrorizing us at a
picnic..." If you are bothered by
stinging insects while on a picnic,
they are probably not honey bees, they
are most likely yellow jackets
attracted by anything sweet. While
honey bees might be visiting the
clover blossoms nearby they won't
sting you unless you step on them with
bare feet. However, a yellow jacket
will enter your soda can and sting you
when you go to take sip.
Decal -Bee Culture, August 2005,
Page 54: New Jersey's Response To The
Effect Of Urbanization On Beekeeping by
Cynthia Ann Werts. Don't subscribe to
Bee Culture? Use the form on the last
page of your NJBA state newsletter to
subscribe at a discount, or click here.
- Urban Beekeepers
WNYC. A slide show of photos of
beekeepers in New York City. The radio
station aired a piece on urban
beekeepers on Saturday morning, July 30,
2005 (820 AM radio or 92.9 FM radio).
The piece, by Kate Hinds, ends with the
sounds of bees buzzing--Morris County
Beekeepers Association member Janet
Katz' bees.
- Waggle dance leads
bees to nectar BBC World News, May
11, 2005