NWNJBA Managed Mentoring Program
The NWNJBA managemed mentoring program is a program that provides oversight of beekeeping activities for new beekeepers with an eye toward simplifying instructions and leading beekeepers in known, successful management practices.
Below is an overview of how the program works along with the details for beekeepers to follow and resources required to participate.
Please note that the program is in concept phase and this experience will build over time.
Part 1 – Starting Out: I want to keep bees - to - Bees in the box >
Part 2 – Getting Up and Running: Bees in the box to fully operational hive >
Part 3 – Surviving Winter: Fully Operational Hive to Winter Preparation >
Part 4 – Winter to Spring: Winter Preparation to Spring Forage >
Part 5 – Spring to Summer Year 2: Spring Forage Y2 to Summer >
Part 6 – Extracting Honey: Summer honey Extraction >
Part 7 – Summer to Fall [Year 2]: Summer [Year 2] to Winter Preparation
Part 8 – Winter [Year 2]: Overwintering >
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The program is designed to provide the right guidance at the right time and back up the information shared with strategic visits that verify the beekeepers are succeeding. It is a mix of practical instruction, centered on the information needed for the activities at hand and is setup to run in succession with the beekeeping season.
The design of the program includes an introduction to the objectives and coordinated in person guidance sessions and beekeeping mentor visits. It is designed to support the beekeepers for their first two years and is eligible to Northwest members who live in Hunterdon and Warren Counties.
The program is designed to provide the right guidance at the right time and back up the information shared with strategic visits that verify the beekeepers are succeeding. It is a mix of practical instruction, centered on the information needed for the activities at hand and is setup to run in succession with the beekeeping season.
The design of the program includes an introduction to the objectives and coordinated in person guidance sessions and beekeeping mentor visits. It is designed to support the beekeepers for their first two years and is eligible to Northwest members who live in Hunterdon and Warren Counties.