S & F Honey Farm - Stan & Fran Wasitowski
Honey, bee pollen, packages, nucs, beekeeping equipment, medication and more... just ask!
Phone: (908) 782-7525
Email: fwasitowski@yahoo.com
Address: 57 Amwell Road, Flemington NJ, 08822
Keeper of the Bees Northwest New Jersey
Custom Handmade Woodenware - Charles Thomas
Website: http://www.keeperofthebeesnwnj.com
S & F Honey Farm - Stan & Fran Wasitowski
Honey, Bee Pollen, Packages, Nucs, Queens, beekeeping equipment, medication and more... just ask!
Phone: (908) 782-7525
Email: fwasitowski@yahoo.com
Address: 57 Amwell Road, Flemington NJ, 08822
Amberfield Honey Farm - Frank Locke
New Jersey Nucleus Colonies for sale. Nucs, or Nucleus Colonies, are small honey bee colonies created from larger colonies. Navigate to website for further details and to reserve bees.
Phone: 732-821-6099
Email: fjlocke@optonline.net
Address: Ringoes NJ
Website: Amberfield Honey Farm
Bee Flower and Sun Honey - Larry Saums
Honey bee Nucleus Colonies for Sale
Phone: (908) 735-6946
Address: Pittstown NJ
Website: http://beeflowerandsunhoney.com
S & F Honey Farm - Stan & Fran Wasitowski
Honey, Bee Pollen, Packages, Nucs, Queens, beekeeping equipment, medication and more... just ask!
Phone: (908) 782-7525
Email: fwasitowski@yahoo.com
Address: 57 Amwell Road, Flemington NJ, 08822
Bee Flower and Sun Honey - Larry Saums
Honey bee Nucleus Colonies for Sale
Phone: (908) 735-6946
Address: Pittstown NJ
Website: http://beeflowerandsunhoney.com
Jeans Honey Inc - George Schaefer
Wholesale and Retail Clover and wildflower honey.
Phone: (908) 782-7912
Address: 360 Old York Road, Flemington NJ 08822
Amberfield Farms - Barbara Hill
Honey Favors - Honey favors for bridal showers, weddings, corporate gifting and other special occasions.
Phone: (908) 507-5011
Website: http://www.AmberfieldHoneyFarm.com
Robert "Beeman" Simonofsky
Phone: (908) 730-0830
Cell Phone: (908) 797-0562,
E-Mail: BeemanRob@gmail.com.
I am a qualified beekeepers with over 25 years of experience. I care deeply about what I do and the honey bees I'm asked to remove from homes & other structures. I will always exercise extra effort and if at all possible, honey bees are removed alive and donated to beekeepers for ongoing care. I also do removal of yellow jackets and other hive insects. Call anytime.
Click here to see the Central Jersey Beekeepers Association maintained state-wide list of honey bee removal and swarm management providers.
Numerous members of the Northwest Jersey Beekeepers Association have hobbies and operate services & businesses. This listing contains only beekeeping related hobbies, products and services provided by our members. We invite all our members and visitors to this web site to support our member's efforts and to always "buy local".
The NJBA has a listing for services and products provided statewide and outside of our primary area. Visit their Honey and Hive Products page for a wider area selection.
As a member you can ask for a new listing category, and have your business, service or hobby listed. E-mail your request to nwnjba@live.com. The listing must be reasonable and in scope of beekeeping. It will be added or changed at the earliest convenience of the webmaster after the discretion of the NWNJBA Executive Committee.
Note that the NJ Beekeepers Association, its branches and members (collectively or individually) have no responsibility nor liability with respect to accuracy, quality, safety and use of any product or service listed on this page.